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Supply chain visibility in the food industry has become a hot topic. New food safety requirements and other new rules can be difficult to understand and follow, and real-time tracking can help.

FourKites real-time tracking platform gives you and your customer service team access to detailed tracking information of high value loads such as refrigerated/frozen perishables and protein.

This location information will be available at your fingertips whenever you or your customers need to know the exact location of a shipment.

In food distribution, blind spots in the supply chain can lead to inventory buildups and lost profits. Our goal is to eliminate those blind spots, enhance your customer service, and streamline your logistics operations by eliminating phone calls, reducing detention hours, and giving you 100% visibility of all of your shipments.

Want to learn how to add visibility to your food supply chain? Are you looking to enhance your food logistics? You can find more details below or request more information here.

The Food Industry Trusts FourKites

Looking to learn more about real-time load tracking?

Then check out our article on the topic that was published in Inbound Logistics –
Real Time Load Tracking: Improving Productivity and Customer Service, and Reducing Costs.

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